Neck, Jaw and Chest (Online)
This is the online Neck, Jaw and Chest massage workshop.
First Steps
Stay in Touch
Practical Workshop
1. Objective and Subjective Assessment
2. Whiplash
3. Headaches
4. Torticollis
5. TMJ
Take Pathology Quiz
Inter-oral Prep Work
Client Communication
Depth without Thumbs
Prep Work Mobilising Rib
Take TMJ and Inter-oral Quiz
Intro to Tests
Posterolateral Neck Flexors Strength Test
Upper Trapezius Strength Test
General Strength Tests
Anterolateral Neck Flexors Strength Test
Scalene Cramp Test
Scalene Relief Test
Adson's test
Atlanto-Axial Articulation
Atlanto-Occipital Articulation
Spurlings Test
Cervical Distraction Test
Eden's Test
First Rib Mobility Test
Quadrant Facet Joint Test 1 (Lecture)
Quadrant Facet Joint Test 1 (Video)
Quadrant Facet Joint Test 2 (Lecture)
Quadrant Facet Joint Test 2 (Video)
SCM Trigger Points Test (Lecture)
SCM Trigger Points Test (Video)
Vertebral Artery Test (Lecture)
Vertebral Artery Test (Video)
Cervical Compression Test (Lecture)
Cervical Compression Test (Video)
Managing the Head Position
Working with the Neck (Position 1)
Working with the Neck (Position 2)
1st Rib Mobility
Chest Stretch with Bolster
Mobilising Sternoclavicular Joint
Lateral Rib Expansion
Three Techniques for Jaw Work
Releasing Upper Trapezius Tension
SCM Release
Working with the Jaw
TMJ Treatment
1. Initial Assessment
2. A Review with Tara
3. The Next Step in Assessment
4. Intra Oral Work
5. Finishing the Session
Breathing Pattern Assessment
Rib Expansion
Breathing Pattern Rehab (Part 1)
Breathing Pattern Rehab (Part 2)
Final Exam Instructions
Start Quiz
Relax the Jaw and Improve Your Running Speed
Practical Workshop
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Course Feedback Instructions
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